




dyld iOS 13 crash on launch
We have an app that has a deployment target of iOS 13.0 and was built using Xcode 13.2.1. An embedded custom framework implements an iOS 14 widget, has a deployment target of iOS 14, and weak links against WidgetKit and SwiftUI. When running on iOS 13.0-13.3.x we are getting a crash on launch: Symbol not found: _swift_getTypeByMangledNameInContextInMetadataState\n Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/AA26538A-91B0-4B27-BA5D-0C0CEA30CEED/ (which was built for iOS 14.0)\n Expected in: /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib\n (BTW it took some work to get this message. dyld's ImageLoaderMachO::throwSymbolNotFound results in a failed_throw which terminates the app without any messages. So I had to create a symbolic breakpoint for ImageLoaderMachO::throwSymbolNotFound and step thru the assembly in lldb as the exception string was getting built) On iOS 13.4.x-13.7, we don't see a crash which appears to be because swift_getTypeByMangledNameInContextInMetadataState got introduced in iOS 13.4. Looking at nm -a on the iOS 14.0 framework it appears that linking against SwiftUI is what's causing the framework to reference _swift_getTypeByMangledNameInContextInMetadataState The custom framework is not marked as optional in our production code, but changing it to optional doesn't fix the crash. Anything else we could try to avoid this crash? side note: When I run otool -L on the framework all the swift libraries have a prefix of /usr/lib/swift. For example /usr/lib/swift/libswiftCore.dylib Is this correct?
May ’22
macOS Monterey Beta 2 update fails
Anyone else getting this error when updating Monterey from Beta 1 to Beta 2: "Installation failed. In order to continue installing, you need to be an owner." In the console I'm seeing the following errors for Failed to get ownership for system <ADMSystem: /dev/disk3s1 (/System/Volumes/Data)>: VolumeHasOwners failed: Error Code=5103 UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x6000025fa250 {Error Code=5103 UserInfo={NSDescription=<private>}}, NSLocalizedDescription=<private>, NSLocalizedFailureReason=<private>} PrefPane: installDidFinishWithError - MSU_UPDATE_21A5268h_patch_12.0: Error Domain=SUOSUErrorDomain Code=102 "Installation failed" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Installation failed, NSLocalizedRecoverySuggestion=In order to continue installing, you need to be an owner.}
Jun ’21
Xcode 12 debugging: <Invalid Swift context>
What does it mean when the Xcode 12 debugger successfully pauses at a breakpoint but for all entries on the stack displays "(&lt;Invalid Swift context&gt;)" for all variables? This is Xcode 12 beta 2 running on Catalina debugging an iPhone XS Max running 13.1.2. Right clicking on a variable to print it out results in: Printing description of item: (&lt;invalid Swift context&gt;) item = and trying po item results in the debugging session getting dropped.
Jul ’20