This also happens in SwiftUI when a project is localized to a Single language (Arabic) or set it as the default language, in the List view, and the direction of the list remains from left to right.
This is worked with me
This issue has resurfaced in iOS 17, despite Apple having resolved it in later releases of iOS 16.
@basememara can you please submit a feedback.
Yes perhaps something is just slowing everything down.
But I don't know that something, and this problem is pain. We need option to disable "Connect via network"
It's so strange no much documents for LocalizedStringResource and no one reply on the Developer Forums, how we will make great Apps? Who will use your amazing APIs you created?
I searched the internet and only few articles on LocalizedStringResource just explain the basics.
But what if I want to formatter.string(from: .now) and display that date with same local as LocalizedStringResource?
I am sure there is an simple answer, so please @Apple I wast allot of time try to find answers.
When set live activity dismissalPolicy: .after(endTime), the dynamic island not working
import StoreKit
if let windowScene = { SKStoreReviewController.requestReview(in: windowScene) }