I have created a reproducible code. Please check if it can be reproduced in your environment. Also, if you find a safe workaround when using Google AdMob, please let me know.
Thank you for pointing that out.
Due to a mistake during the creation of the reproduction code, the production code actually uses newValue.
In my case, I had to set AVSpeechUtterance.prefersAssistiveTechnologySettings to false on iOS16.
It seems that the attribute was not working in iOS15.x.
Thank you for your response.
I'll check it on iOS 16.1 simulator.
I'm fed up with SwiftUI. it's so buggy.
Really? In my test environment, I could not reproduce NSInternalInconsistencyException by repeatedly tapping the "Randomize & Select Last" and "Randomize & Select Random" buttons. I tested it by several iOS 16.0 Simulator iPad / iPhone and iOS 16.0 real iPhone in Xcode 14.0 (14A309).
Did this error occur just by repeatedly tapping "Randomize & Select Last"?
I have not been able to test it on a real iPad, but does it crash in Simulator as well?