




Comment on Task on MainActor does not run on the main thread, why?
THANKS! Yes, it seems that the devil must be in some detail. The swift doc says: "To create an unstructured task that runs on the current actor, call the Task.init(priority:operation:) initializer." And I am really curious, why task created in main() with inferred @MainActor (I have read that this static function has @MainActor inferred, when it is in the @main struct) does not all run on the main thread. I am puzzled.
Jul ’22
Comment on Task on MainActor does not run on the main thread, why?
Statement: "Swift makes no guarantee that the thread which executed the code before the await is the same thread which will pick up the continuation as well." Questions: Do I understand right that when the explicit async context is MainActor (Task closure is annotated by @MainActor), then it is guaranteed that the thread used for continuation (after await) will be the main thread? Is this guaranteed also for inherited MainActor async context?
Jul ’22