




Reply to How to make root volume writeable in Big Sur?
I have configured the latest Apache server on my Big Sur mac. I can start it using apachectl start, and it runs great. I would like to start it automatically each time the machine boots, even if I have not logged on. That means that it must run as a Launch Daemon (not as a Launch Agent). Apparently, the plists for all Launch Daemons must be in /System/Library/LaunchDaemons, and Big Sur will not permit me to delete the system supplied org.apache.httpd.plist (which does not work) from this directory or install my own copy of org.apache.httpd.plist into this directory, nor does it allow me to sudo launchctl load a plist that is not in this directory. That is why I want to modify the root volume. But I would be happy with any other solution that allows me to automatically start my Apache server when I boot my Big Sur mac.
Apr ’21