




Reply to MacOS 12 Beta boot very slowly
Booting was around 25 to 30 secs while Big Sur, and for macOS 12 Beta 1, it took around one and a half min. However, it backs to normal after Beta 2 without any further action. And so, I am sorry that I have no clue about how to help you. Maybe safe mode could help if you can boot in safe mode.
Jul ’21
Reply to Time Machine and Monterey
Yes, this issue happens after beta 3 on my MacBook Pro too, and I haven't found a good solution. Nevertheless, I successfully backup in safe mode. It takes a lot of hours for backup in safe mode, and so, it is not a very feasible way. Notwithstanding, you can still make a backup periodically in safe mode. This solution is just not as convenient as usual. Sincerely, hawkiyc
Jul ’21
Reply to [MPSGraph adamUpdateWithLearningRateTensor:beta1Tensor:beta2Tensor:epsilonTensor:beta1PowerTensor:beta2PowerTensor:valuesTensor:momentumTensor:velocityTensor:gradientTensor:name:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600000eede10
Dear @dbl001, After updating to the latest version of TensorFlow-macos and TensorFlow-metal, IDE always crashes when I am trying to train any neural network model on my device(16" MacBook Pro). However, the previous version is fine except for the NLP task. So, you can try to downgrade the frameworks on your device, it might be able to solve this issue. However, there seems no solution if you want to train NLP tasks with tf.hub and/or tf.model.official and/or hugging-face transformer. Sincerely, Gavin
Oct ’21