Please let us know whether any standards are being followed by New
PushToTalk Framework.
Existing PushKit Framework will still exist for voip PTT calls [On
Devices running 15.x OS and below]. How does our application behave
with respect to PushKit Framework when we compile/link against 16.x
SDK and entitlements [ unrestricted.voip, unrestricted.voip-ptt ] .
Our application minimum deployment target is 11.0
3. Is there a sample code which demonstrates the usage of API.
Appreciate if you can send us a link/copy of the sample project
4. channelUUID - Is there any additional article/document on this?
5. As per document, we can be active on one single channel at any
given time, Is it possible to just join multiple channels and not be
6. joinTheChannel - Apart from getting us a new Push Token , what
exactly does this API do?
6 . (PTPushResult
*)channelManager channelUUID:(NSUUID *)channelUUID
pushPayload:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)pushPayload;
channelUUID part of incomingPush API refers to self channelUUID /