




Unable to retrieve secure element pass after adding to Apple Wallet?
I am adding In-App provisioning to my app. I am able to access the Apple Pay Sandbox and I have successfully tested adding a secure element/payment pass to Apple Wallet. However, once the pass has been added to the wallet, I can not access or retrieve the pass from my app. I have confirmed with the PNO that the PNO Pass Metadata Configuration in the testing environment include the correct metadata for "associatedApplicationIdentifiers" and "associatedStoreIdentifiers". Does anyone know why I am having this issue and how I can resolve it? Steps used to access pass in Apple Wallet I am unable to view the pass when I attempt to access it using the PKPassLibrary function as follows: let library = PKPassLibrary() if #available(iOS 13.4, *) { // This returns an empty array library.passes(of: .secureElement) } else { // This also returns an empty array library.passes(of: .payment) } // This returns an empty array too library.passes() Steps used to add pass to Apple Wallet These are the steps I follow to add the card: I create a PKAddPaymentPassRequestConfiguration I use this config to instantiate a PKAddPaymentPassViewController. I provide the nonce, nonceSignature, and certificates to my PNO along with the card data. I receive the activationData, encryptedPassData, and ephemeralPublicKey from my PNO and create a PKAddPaymentPassRequest using this data. I add the pass to Apple Wallet. In the addPaymentPassViewController callback, I am able to view the pass data from the .didFinishAdding pass: PKPaymentPass? variable. I am also able to see that the pass has been added from Apple Wallet app. I am not able to access the pass using PKPassLibrary().passes() at this point. I am not able to access the pass at any point after adding it either.
Jun ’21