




Is IOUserSCSIParallelInterfaceController ready to use ??
Hi all, Is anyone know IOUserSCSIParallelInterfaceController ready to use or not ?? My driver inherits IOUserSCSIParallelInterfaceController and I override Start() and Stop() methods of IOService and all the other pure virtual methods in IOUserSCSIParallelInterfaceController. According to WWDC20 video, the IOUserInitializeController() supposed to be called in the second after Start() method. But the kernel only calls my Start() method. Any step I missed to invoke IOUserInitializeController() ?? My OS is Big Sur beta 4 and my Xcode is beta 4 Also, I observed that there is no IOUserSCSIParallelInterfaceController instance in ioclasscount. Does that mean this class is not ready to use ?? IOUserClient = 39 IOUserEthernetController = 0 IOUserEthernetInterface = 0 IOUserEthernetResource = 1 IOUserEthernetResourceUserClient = 0 IOUserIterator = 23 IOUserNetworkEthernet = 0 IOUserNetworkMemorySegment = 0 IOUserNetworkPacket = 0 IOUserNetworkPacketBufferPool = 0 IOUserNetworkPacketQueue = 0 IOUserNetworkRxCompletionQueue = 0 IOUserNetworkRxSubmissionQueue = 0 IOUserNetworkTxCompletionQueue = 0 IOUserNetworkTxSubmissionQueue = 0 IOUserNotification = 2 IOUserResources = 1 IOUserServer = 0 IOUserServerCheckInToken = 0 IOUserService = 0 IOUserUserClient = 0
Aug ’20
Can't load my driverkit driver
Hi all,I wrote a "Hello World" driverkit extension and also requested entitlements for my driver.I am able to build the driver with correct Provisioning Profile without any error.When I loaded my driver, I got "Extension not found in App bundle" error message.I am so confused because I was add "System Extension" in App's "Signing & Capabilities".And also embedded my dext in App's "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content".If I removed the "System Extension" capability from my App. I will get "The operation couldn't be completed." error 1.I don't know how to config them in correct way.Do I need to have "Identifier" and "Profile" with "System Extension" capability for my App ??Anyone can give me some instructions ??
May ’20