I need my watchOS-only (independent) app BLE to advertise data to other BLE devices. For this i'm trying to use custom services and characteristics in CBPeripheralManager to publish in watch's local database. But CBMutableService and CBMutableCharacteristic init method's are prohibited for watchOS, See below.
(instancetype)initWithDelegate:(nullable id<CBPeripheralManagerDelegate>)delegate
	 queue:(nullable dispatch_queue_t)queue
options:(nullable NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *)options
(instancetype)initWithType:(CBUUID *)UUID primary:(BOOL)isPrimary
(instancetype)initWithType:(CBUUID *)UUID properties:(CBCharacteristicProperties)properties value:(nullable NSData *)value permissions:(CBAttributePermissions)permissions
Is there any alternative for this to use in watchOS-only app?
We have SSL certificate pinning handled natively using
public key pinning approach in the network layer of our application. Recently we tried to bypass the SSL pinning using Frida CLI by loading a script that can be found here https://codeshare.frida.re/@federicodotta/ios13-pinning-bypass/
And we have used the below command to achieve the SSL pinning bypass in the ipa file of our application running in an iPhone,
frida -U -l sslPinningBypassScript.js ExampleApplication
The ssl bypass was succeeding as you can see below
gow@gow-MacBook-Pro Downloads % frida -U -l sslPinningBypass.js ExampleApplication
/ _ | Frida 15.1.17 - A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit
| (_| |
> _ | Commands:
/_/ |_| help -> Displays the help system
. . . . object? -> Display information about 'object'
. . . . exit/quit -> Exit
. . . .
. . . . More info at https://frida.re/docs/home/
. . . .
. . . . Connected to iPhone (id=60e237ae0552d5906da9c5203954591e8f16abcde)
[+] Bypass successfully loaded
[iPhone::ExampleApplication ]->
Is there a way to prevent this ssl pinning bypass happening?
Note: This happens only for the ipa file which is installed manually from our machine and we tried the same steps to bypass for the testflight build which didn't succeed.
We are distributing event ticket pass (pkpass file) through web link to our customers to add it in their Apple Wallet app. This works fine when we try to open the web link in iPhone (iOS) which will add pass into Apple Wallet app in iPhone.
We are trying similar approach to add the event ticket pass directly into their Apple Watch (watchOS).
Is there a way to add Apple Pass directly in their Apple Watch (without iPhone) through web link or email?