I found the problem - in my case, the Row Height property was set to a much too large value, which ultimately prevented the control from scrolling correctly. So if anyone has a similar problem: a look at Row Height may fix the whole thing quickly.
I've got the same error using Xcode 13.2.1 minimal deployment target of macOS 10.15. I'm using async/wait in some functions, but they are all marked with @available(OSX 12.0, *). Currently, I'm unable to submit updates to the Appstore.
With reference to my last entry: I have also reported the whole thing as an error to Apple using Feedback Assistant. I hope this will get things moving a bit. If anyone has an idea how to fix the problem, that would be great - currently I can't provide any updates to our app in the Appstore.
Great, thank you! I will try that out!