




Reply to SwiftUI List selection bug
this doesn't answer the question and maybe it has been fixed since. I am just here to say thanks for that code sample. I was having problems with a list that supports multiple select and then showing an alert. The alert would cause the edit mode to toggle and the selections to be clear. I hadn't see the .environment like you have it. That fixes my issue. Thank you
Jun ’24
Reply to RefreshControl missing/malfunctioning plus/max phones
Nothing fancy, it is in an UITableViewController class. had a user turn the phone to landscape mode and it showed the refresh control properly. Back to portrait and it is gone. but only on plus/max devices. Works fine in simulator. The only difference that i know of from when it worked until now is switching to scenes. func setupRefreshControl() {           let refreshControl_ = UIRefreshControl.init()     self.refreshControl = refreshControl_           self.refreshControl?.addTarget(self,                     action: #selector(self.refreshControlRequest),                     for: .valueChanged)         }
Nov ’20