




Including resource bundles in xcframeworks
In my project I have a framework build target and a resource bundle build target. The framework target has the resource bundle target set in the Dependencies build phase. My goal is to create an xcframework that contains my framework and resource bundle. Typically, frameworks contain a Bundles or Resources folder containing resource bundles. When I use xcodebuild to archive my framework I use options: SKIP_INSTALL=NO BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION=YES The xcarchive is created just fine. When I look inside the xcarchive I see: My resource bundle under Products/Library/Bundles My framework under Products/Library/Frameworks (without the resource bundle inside) When I create the xcframework, each -framework argument on the "xcodebuild -create-xcframework" has to be a path into each xcarchive like "foo.xcarchive/Products/Library/Frameworks/foo.framework" The xcframework is created, but the resource bundle from Products/Library/Bundles doesn't get copied into the xcframework. Do I need to manually copy the contents of Products/Library/Bundles into each foo.framework/Resources inside the xcframework?
Sep ’20
MPRemoteCommands not emitting events on tvOS 14
I haven't seen any info about this being a known issue in the release notes, but I have existing code for receiving play and pause events via MPRemoteCommandCenter that works fine on previous versions of tvOS; whereas on the tvOS 14 beta none of the commands are firing events in response to the Apple TV remote. I am seeing this error in the console when pressing pause on the remote: [NowPlaying] [MRPlaybackQueueServiceClient] Responded to playbackQueueRequest [...] with error Operation requires a client callback to have been registered.
Aug ’20