Metal already have all the required API to implement raytracing. So probably there is nothing preventing Epic or Twinmotion from implementing it in Unreal or Twinmotion. However, to get good performance you will have to wait for an Apple Silicon GPU with raytracing acceleration.
Xcode 14.3 requires Ventura, I guess FileMerge deployment target was set to macOS 13.
You can use VideoToolBox API to list all the available encoders on your Mac or iOS device.
Yes, if the hardware supports it. I think 2017 or newer. Apple Silicon supports HEVC 10bit and 4:2:2 too.
Why the propertyListRepresentation? The kCVImageBufferAmbientViewingEnvironmentKey should be in the binary format defined in ITU-T H.274. So you should get the data directly as is and pass it to new buffer, a plist won't work.
Did you try to set the clip to bounds property to true?
There was a thread on the "Appkit Abusers" slack about a similar issue. Official word is that it's a known issue.
macOS 14 SDK sets NSView clipToBounds property to NO by default. So it's wrong to use dirtyRect like that, because it could extend outside the NSView bounds.
NSView clipToBounds is set to NO by default now. See the others similar thread in the [AppKit] category on this forum, and the AppKit release notes of macOS 14.
Probably it's not a bug, just the new behaviour. When linking to the macOS 14 SDK, the clipsToBounds property of NSView is set to false. Either update your drawing code, or set it back to true.
See the macOS 14 AppKit release notes for some info.
If the app is sandboxed, it won't have permission to replace itself. Sparkle works around this issue by using a non sandboxed helper. It's open source, so you can check exactly what's Sparkle is doing and replace it if you want.
Xcode 15 / macOS 14.
That's possible, but you need the Pro Video Formats package installed and you have to call MTRegisterProfessionalVideoWorkflowFormatReaders() too.
Probably you already found out, but if someone else needs this info now there is an answer.
That part of the QuickTime format has been deprecated, and doesn't work anymore with modern QuickTime (version 10 and later). Actually browser plug-ins have been deprecated and removed too.
The good news is that HTML and javascript have all the tools needed to created such thing nowadays.
On which machine is it failing? Did you try with an higher resolution video?