




FamilySelectionPicker crashes due to internal memory limit
Disclaimer The setup of the FamilyControls capability, authorization etc. is all correct and properly working. The Issue Users complain that apps are not shown up on their parent device. Investigations For months we thought it's a syncing issue and eventually apps do show up. But another time (after already shown) they hide again. Insights We now found out, that the FamilyControlsAgent which is an internal process of iOS crashes due to exceeding their memory limit right before the picker should show up and then logs errors that it can't connect to "helper process". Feedback Tickets: Including multiple sys-diagnose files, step by steps and more: FB11983206 FB11863463 FB11983304 Attention As more and more users get frustrated with it, we hope some Apple engineer sees this and helps bring attention to a fast bug fix. Maybe just increase internal memory limit threshold for such process via entitlement. FYI We also think this is the reason why the DeviceActivityReport can't show apps and crashes due this limitation. But I would much rather prefer Apple to focus on the memory crash. FB11787794
Feb ’23
Must the APNs token for a location-query notification be handled differently than a normal push token?
Hi, I've successfully requested the entitlement for with Apple. After creating all relevant provisioning profiles, Push Services Key etc. and verifying that a visible push notification arrives to my physical device I'm stuck when trying to send a location push notification to wake up my Push Location Service extension. I use Firebase FCM to trigger the Push Notification which returns me one of the two things: Success when I try to send a visible notification DeviceTokenNotForTopic (when I try to send a background notification) Invalid Argument - invalid registration token when I try to send a location push notification with the apn headers: apns-push-type --> location apns-topic --> <bundle-id-of-the-main-app>.location-query apns-priority --> 10 (also tried with 5) Is there anything missing to be able to send a location push-type notification? Can I reproduce this without FCM in a easy way via command-line? Thanks!
Oct ’21
Maximum number of blocked applications
After doing some testing I stumbled upon some errors when setting a fairly large amount of applications to store.applications.blockedApplications. I figured out that ManagedSettings are stored in a plist file which has a maximum size that the OS is willing to read (hint: it's less than 600KB) So I'd ask two questions: What's the maximum amount of applications we can set as blockedApplications and What does the console log of Ignoring forbidden setting application.blockedApplications: valueNotAllowed mean? Which value is not allowed?
Aug ’21
Usage & Intention of the FamilyActivityPicker, DeviceActivityEvent and ShieldAction
Several questions to some intentions behind the frameworks and specific issues with it's usage, underlined with filed Feedback Assistant reports. (see below) Understanding of the Application class Such class can be either instantiated with the token (which only the OS provides with the FamilyActivityPicker) or through a bundleIdentifier. When is it intended to use the bundleIdentifier initializer? Currently it is not possible to set a threshold limit on an application created via bundleIdentifier because the DeviceActivityEvent only accepts a Set<ApplicationToken> which a developer can not instantiate. Family Picker Is it intended to use this picker only on the child's device or can the parent see which apps are installed on the child's device? (FB9375607 & FB9375638) If so, how do you imagine when a new app get's installed, does the guardian have to regularly check if a new app is installed and if so update it's settings on the child device? How can an app obtain the app icon of such an application or category? (FB9375449) ShieldConfiguration & Action When a schedule's callback happens (FB9375294) and an application is shielded we receive the localizedDisplayName of such application to show it in the shield UI. In the WWDC session it was said that you could have an action that let's you do a network request to e.g. ask the guardian to lift the restriction which is located in a different extension. Will the localizedDisplayName be available to be included in the request so that the guardian knows which app they lift the restriction on? Filed Feedback Assistant Tickets: Start monitoring returns Unauthorized when the device is authorized - FB9375294 Provide an app icon for an application instance - FB9375449 FamilyActivityPicker does not list apps on authorized child device - FB9375607 Show installed apps from child on guardians phone - FB9375638
Jul ’21