Try adding the following lines to you /etc/ssh/ssh_config file... beware, use sublime, vim, VS Code or any other text editor except TextEdiit as it won't let you change the file... you will be asked for a administrator password (usually your account) when saving...
HostkeyAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms +ssh-rsa
--upload-app is deprecated use --upload-package instead
Is there a way to up/downgrade official releases?
We've got a lot of iOS devices running iOS 12.x. It would be chique to be able to update some of them to specific iOS 13 or even iOS 14 Versions, for testing purposes and to be able to reproduce bugs our users have on specific iOS Version. The devices themselves would/must of course be supported, I do not expect a iPhone 3G to run iOS 14.3, would be fun though... there seemed to be an approach with iTunes, but obviously iTunes doesn't run on macOS Catalina or BigSur... helpful for any tips tricks and/or recommendations.