Can confirm this happens with the Juice sample app.
Environment: Xcode 12.0b1
SimulatorKit 597.8
CoreSimulator 725.10
iOS 14.0
Still an issue with Xcode 12 beta 3.
Xcode Version 12.0 beta 3 (12A8169g)
Simulator Version 12.0 (940.12)
SimulatorKit 597.10
CoreSimulator 732.7
Still not working in Xcode 12 beta 4.
Can repro this 10/10 on Xcode 12b4 when running on a Simulator running iOS 14 (using the Juice sample app). It works fine when running on a physical device (iOS 14 or lower), as well as when running on an iOS 13.4 Simulator.
I've filed FB8281892 with details.
I can still repro this in the latest beta (Xcode 12 b5) on the Simulator.
This is still an issue in Xcode 12.0 GM Seed. Here are my Simulator version numbers:
Version 12.0 (940.16)
SimulatorKit 597.13
CoreSimulator 732.17
When signing in on a Simulator, the progress spinner in the password field shows and never stops spinning. I used the Juice app to repro.