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we have an issue on Fairplay Streaming server when we use iOS14 beta 6, we get some issue regarding "kDRMSKDServerMissingRequiredTag". The DRM licenser is still working with the other OS versions. Do you have some known issue on DRM core client side? Regards
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we are testing an HLS streaming channel for LIVE EVENT.during a bandwidth throttling we observe we get continus buffering due to a wrong bit-rate estimation,in the end, the player requests the higher level.Using AVPlayerItemErrorLog we get the following error:Optional("Optional(<AVPlayerItemErrorLog: 0x2800fdf60>\n#Version: 1.0\n#Software: AppleCoreMedia/ (iPhone; U; CPU OS 12_2 like Mac OS X; it_it)\n#Date: 2019/06/13 17:13:51.051\n#Fields: date time uri cs-guid s-ip status domain comment cs-iftype\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 ******/Channel(ch01lab)/Stream(02)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 *****/Stream(01)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 ******/Stream(03)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:47.047 ******/Stream(04)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:48.048 ******/Stream(05)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n2019/06/13 17:13:48.048 ******/Stream(06)/index.m3u8 - -12888 \"CoreMediaErrorDomain\" \"Stale index file\" wwan\n)")I use the validator tools, and the playlist has no relevant issue.Can I get further information about this message error code?
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