




PSSO Extension
I'm attempting to make an alternative to the MS Company Portal app. We are looking to implement PSSO in our organization and are not satisfied with the features that Company Portal offers. One example of this is, we don't like what the password reset workflow looks like. We'd like to make it so the reset process is more fluid. Additionally, we want to report the status of the service more readily (not requiring clicking so far into System Settings to locate it). These are just a couple examples of what we're not thrilled with... In light of this, my desire is to create another app, that includes a PSSO extension that is able to connect to Entra. I have scoured the internet, developer portal, and macadmin forum... and have failed to find a comprehensive guide for helping me through this. Currently Using: IDP: Entra Language: SwiftUI Frameworks: MSAL and KeychainAccess Any help would be great... a comprehensive guide would be AMAZING!
Oct ’24
Determining What OS Version a macOS Installer will install...
I'm trying to determine what version of the OS a specific macOS installer will install. Lets say I have an installer app, i.e. /Applications/Install macOS, and in this case I know it's for macOS 14.2.1. If I then go into /Applications/Install macOS ... and use defaults to read it, I get (amongst other things)... DTPlatformBuild = 23C64 DTPlatformVersion = "14.2" My expectations are... DTPlatformBuild = 23C71 DTPlatformVersion = "14.2.1" Context: I'm writing an app that needs to make sure that the installer on a machine is the newest available... i.e. If current installer, do nothing If old installer, delete and download new installer Can anyone offer any help? Thanks in advance.
Jan ’24
Privileged Helper
I desperately need a reliable tutorial on creating and implementing a Privileged Helper for this app I'm creating. I have found a couple of resources on the web, but they are not well-written and dated. Can anyone help point me in the right direction? Documentation seems to be very sparse.
Feb ’23