




Reply to EXC_BAD_ACCESS crash in some Swift Testing test on a macro
As extra context. I realized the test was "wrong", instead of testing #expect(viewModel.isSavedSearchButtonDisabled) I needed to test #expect(viewModel.isSavedSearchButtonDisabled == false) With this change, the test passed correctly without crashing. This implies that this crash happens on test failures Also, If I wrote the expectation like #expect(viewModel.savedSearchState == .active && viewModel.isSavedSearchButtonDisabled) The test would fail (as per logic), but it wouldn't crash. huh?
Dec ’24
Reply to Snapshot testing differences between local machine and Xcode Cloud
In the GitHub discussion, someone mentioned Did you compare the supported languages between your local simulator and CI simulator? The line height increases when you add a language like Hindi or Arabic as a supported language. Which reminded me that I hadn't set up a test plan for the project. A test plan is one way to configure the language/region of the the app, which I set the same as I had locally on my machine, then, with this configuration, the test passed as expected
Apr ’24
Reply to OAuth and Apple Watch authentication
as a compliment to my question. A couple years ago, there was a talk that mentioned sharing the OAuth token with Synced Keychain Items. That implies sharing the OAuth token, which I cannot do, but also has the effect (depending on the implementation) that if you log in on iOS, you will be logged in on the iPad and Mac if the app is present in those platforms, the same goes with log out. Also, some of our users actually share Apple ID, which caused some issues for those users as well
Sep ’23
Reply to Xcode randomly modifies my scheme content
For my team this is happening still with Xcode 14.1 RC2 even though I removed the apple watch paired to the simulator I use. I assume the workaround doesn't really work because of the new simulator selector.. as in there is another simulator picked by default with an Apple Watch paired with it. I will try by removing Apple Watch paired to all simulators
Oct ’22
Reply to Xcode 13.4.1 "Toggle Appearance" not working
In the post I originally linked someone posted the solution for this problem deleted /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks installed on my system at least, XcodeSystemResources.pkg creates the /Library/Developer/PrivateFrameworks folder. anyway that fixed "Toggle Appearance" in the Simulator for me! thanks for the tip!
Jul ’22