I've also been running into this somewhat randomly. My car has a touch screen and I receive the panBeganWith family of events most of the time. Sometimes, such as right now, my app will simply stop receiving these events even though other apps still respond to touch interactions. I'm able to interact with other elements of my app's user interface such as the map controls and top bar buttons, but dragging does not result in the appropriate callback events being fired.
fwiw URLSession.shared.data(from: artworkURL) worked well for me, but a custom URLSession(configuration: .default) failed to load the media stating that the URL was unsupported.
To close the loop here, I got a response today and it looks like there's been an API to do this since as iOS 16!
let unitTemperature = UnitTemperature(forLocale: Locale.current)
The returned unit will respect the user's selected temperature from the Settings app :D
I stumbled upon this thread and noticed no enhancement request ended up being linked here, so I've filed one: FB15792169.
Also just ran into this. I believe I briefly saw the subscriptions appear as options to be included in the app review, but clicking the subscriptions just caused them to disappear and I haven't seen them appear in the "iOS App Version" page again. I've submitted a ticket via email to see if I can get this resolved because it's unfortunately the long weekend :(
Ran into this as well. Filed FB15178192 to track with a simple repro case similar to the one above.
Confirmed that FB13756074 has been resolved. The new profile at https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?platform=watchos&name=sys is now valid again and I've confirmed that logging works on my watch.
Confirmed that watchOS 10.5 beta 4 fixes FB13758450 🎉
Will keep posting here on other updates to feedback.
Response from Apple re: Packet Logger no longer working:
The Bluetooth logging profile is now required on macOS to use PacketLogger (same as iOS). This first started in recent macOS 14.5 seeds.
Please install the Bluetooth logging profile from: https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting/profiles-and-logs/?platform=macos&name=bluetooth and try this again.
I'm attempting to aggregate and summarize the scale of the problem here in https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/750801#750801021. This seems to be a set of major regressions with respect to Apple Watch development.
Looks like I can't edit my original post anymore, so here's another long thread I've found:
Apple Watch won't show in device list on Xcode after 10.4 upgrade
I'm attempting to unify all of these threads into a single thread via https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/750801#750801021
I'm attempting to unify all of these threads into a single thread via https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/750801#750801021
I'm attempting to unify all of these threads into a single thread via https://forums.developer.apple.com/forums/thread/750801#750801021