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Hi:I followed the link enable universal link.Here are the steps I've done:- entitlement file has the applinks domain. e.g. aasa file has appID which is the team ID or app ID prefix, followed by the bundle ID. The appID value is the same value that’s associated with the “application-identifier” key in the app’s entitlements after building it. e.g.{ "applinks": { "apps": [], "details": [ { "appID": "{enterprise-app-id-prefix}.{enterprise-app-bundle-id}", "paths": ["*"] }, { "appID": "{app-store-app-id-prefix}.{app-store-app-bundle-id}", "paths": ["*"] } ] }}after archiving the distribution the development ipa, I can confirm the application-identifier key is the same as the appID for enterprise app- associated domain has been checked in the bundle id page- Appdelegate file has function to handle the event: func application(_ application: UIApplication, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity, restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> BoolHave a URL link in the note app. The universal link works fine for app store app. But the enterprise app never works... ...Am I missing anything ?Thanks in advance:)
by evan..
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