Hi,I'm trying to set a textview to use a monospaced font, the default monospace font and while it's working, I'm getting this warning.The code I'm using is the one from Apple's docs:textView.font = NSFont.monospacedSystemFont(ofSize: 12, weight: .regular)but when I run my app the warning below shows up:2020-04-04 09:18:10.725876-0500 Xcutioner[58296:2835209] CoreText note: Client requested name ".SFNSMono-Bold", it will get Times-Roman rather than the intended font. All system UI font access should be through proper APIs such as CTFontCreateUIFontForLanguage() or +[NSFont systemFontOfSize:].Any idea on how to get rid of this warning? Is the preferred way to set a monospaced font not the one in Apple's documentation?Thanks
Hi,I've implemented mutually exclusives buttons using NSSegmentedControl for a NSToolbar. Is there such a thing for Menu Items in AppKit, or do I have to do it by hand?UPDATE: By mutually exclusives menu items I mean items that are can't both be enabled, or that can't both be in the same state at the same time.Thanks!
I have an app, well, a prototype of an app. The main app is sandboxed. The XPC service is sandboxed as well. When I try to use NSTask from the XPC service it fails with:
Exception: launch path not accessible
The binary I'm trying to launch from the XPC is located inside the XPC sandbox folder. It has the correct permissions, and it runs fine.
If I disable the XPC service sandbox, it works. If I go back and enable it, it fails with the error from above.
Does anyone knows what's failing here and how to make it work?