




Change Sign In With Apple button style based on current color scheme
I'm having some issues with SwiftUI's SignInWithAppleButton's signInWithAppleButtonStyle. I am trying to change the color of the button based on the user's current scheme or if it changes. This is iOS 14 and SwiftUI: @Environment(\.colorScheme) var currentScheme @State var appleButtonWhite = false VStack{ SignInWithAppleButton( 								.signUp, 								onRequest: { request in							 										request.requestedScopes = [.fullName, .email] 								}, 								onCompletion: { result in 										switch result { 										case .success (let authResults): 												print("Authorization successful.") 			 										case .failure (let error): 												print("Authorization failed: " + error.localizedDescription) 										} 								} 						) 						.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity) 						.signInWithAppleButtonStyle(appleButtonWhite ? .white : .black) } .onChange(of: currentScheme, perform: { (scheme) in 				if scheme == .light 				{ 						appleButtonWhite = false 				} 				else 				{ 						appleButtonWhite = true 				} 		}) When appleButtonWhite changes values, it renders the view as it should since the state is changing. When I debug the button it has the correct appleButtonWhite value, but for some reason the style just never changes. I have no idea why. I have done many style changes in my code with regular buttons and it works correctly based on different states. Any ideas why Apple's doesn't change?
Dec ’20
Popover in SwiftUI is showing a sheet. Anyone else?
Hi, I have been trying to use a popover in SwiftUI in Xcode 12 Beta 2&3 and popovers are showing up as sheets. Here is my code: 		@State private var showPopover: Bool = false 		var body: some View { 				VStack { 						Button("Show popover") { 								self.showPopover = true 						}.popover( 								isPresented: self.$showPopover, 								arrowEdge: .bottom 						) { Text("Popover") } 				} 		} } However, no popover is presented. Instead it's a sheet. I submitted feedback, but I don't see anyone else complaining about it. I want to confirm I'm not the only one.
Jul ’20