Put a weather vane in a west wind and it will point east. - not it won't, because the pointer on a weather vane is on the narrow end. Normally the tail of the vane has a big wind-catching surface. Do an image search if you don't believe me!
Hi Rincewind,
Right. But looking at examples like that screenshot where for whatever reason there is no bleed of the colour below, what shou
I now have more data to look at and the behaviour seems to be as follows: the receipts are issued with a not-before date of about 24 hours later and a not-after date of about 3 months later. Attempts to refresh start to fail with 404 after about 3 weeks. I now retry those failed refreshes with exponential backoff (if you don't do that, 404s quickly come to dominate). I see a very small number of receipts that refresh successfully after a period of failing. I have not yet reached the not-after date for any of these receipts; what should I do when that date arrives? Must the app generate a new key? I do have a mechanism for the server to tell the app to discard and regenerate its key, but the user does see an error message. Fundamentally, I wonder if I need to be using App Attest more frequently to keep Apple's data "fresh"; currently my attested requests are relatively infrequent.
can any share the “developer technical support” email?
Visit https://developer.apple.com/support/technical/
"Better" but does not exist.
No, libmagic uses the same .mgc file. It's not proprietary.
Yes, in my case it was ssh from a Linux box. Is there something I do in e.g. my ssh config to avoid this? (It would be great to get a better error message BTW.)
My code ignores the speed when it is zero. Looking at the history I added that in 2013. It may be that those are the non-GPS locations e.g. WiFi, cell towers. This is the sort of thing that can change over time with new devices and iOS changes. It can also change between you testing in one location and a user using the app in another location. Good luck with the Kalman filter idea; my experience is that the data you get from Core Location is already processed by iOS too much for you to be able to do much with it mathematically; I gave up on that sort of thing when the started snapping locations to the centrelines of streets to make them look tidier.
App Store Connect financial reports.
Thanks for your reply. I'm not certain that that agrees with what I'm seeing, but I will keep monitoring it and will update this if I see any patterns emerging.
Comment replaced with an answer, due to lack of line breaks in comments.
Any thoughts about how to restrict those downloads to people who have made the purchase?