I'm trying to use the sign in button API documented here.
No matter what, it returns a 404.
Even going to https://appleid.apple.com/signinwithapple/button and clicking any of the Download links leads to a 404.
Is this a documentation error, or is this API to generate buttons no longer available?
I have a macOS app which uses AVFoundation that was building fine with XCode 12 Beta 2. In Beta 3, I get:
Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX11.0.sdk/usr/lib/swift/AVFoundation.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-macos.swiftinterface:72:11: 'AVAudioSession' is unavailable in macOS
/AVFoundation.AVAudioSession:2:12: 'AVAudioSession' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX11.0.sdk/usr/lib/swift/AVFoundation.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-macos.swiftinterface:129:11: 'AVAudioSession' is unavailable in macOS
/AVFoundation.AVAudioSession:2:12: 'AVAudioSession' has been explicitly marked unavailable here
Xcode-beta.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX11.0.sdk/usr/lib/swift/AVFoundation.swiftmodule/x86_64-apple-macos.swiftinterface:1:1: Failed to build module 'AVFoundation' from its module interface; the compiler that produced it, 'Apple Swift version 5.3 (swiftlang-1200.2.22.2 clang-1200.0.25.1)', may have used features that aren't supported by this compiler, 'Apple Swift version 5.3 (swiftlang-1200.0.22.4 clang-1200.0.25.1)'
I didn't see anything about this in the known issues of Beta 3. Does anyone have any thoughts on what's going on?