Hi @DTS Engineer,
Yes, that is correct. I've made a separate branch of the project that led me to discover this concern here that should help demonstrate this example. This is a program I've been developing to using the Vision API to perform OCR on bitmap subtitles. If you compile and run the program using
swift build
.build/debug/macSubtitleOCR --force-old-api --save-images --json Tests/Resources/sintel.sup oldAPI
.build/debug/macSubtitleOCR --save-images --json Tests/Resources/sintel.sup newAPI
This will output the test files results in the oldAPI and newAPI directories respectively. If you compare the JSON results of both and check the associated images in the image directory you will observe differences in the output between the two runs. With the new API delivering worse results. This behavior is consistent across all testing material that I have used and not unique to this sample.
I have noticed that the results in general improve when the text is placed against a plain white background, so I have removed the code that does that to make differences in the API results more clear for this example.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.