




Swift compiler crashes with simple SwiftData model
In Xcode 15 beta 6, the swift compiler crashes with a simple SwiftData model. The model compiles OK, but any attempt to instantiate the entity in code, including a unit test, will crash the compiler. A stack track is provided with a note to submit a bug report. Some SwiftData classes work without error, but this example will crash. Cannot find any workaround and am forced to remain on beta 5 for now. Anyone else experiencing this? Works without error in beta 5. Compiler crashes in a basic unit test on this line, or any other attempt to instantiate the model. let note = Note(content: "Went for a bike ride this morning!") public final class Note: Identifiable { @Attribute(.unique) public private(set) var id: UUID? public private(set) var createdDate: Date public private(set) var updatedDate: Date /// Optional title for this note public var title: String? { didSet { updatedDate = Date() } } /// Note content public var content: String? { didSet { updatedDate = Date() } } public init(title: String? = nil, content: String) { = UUID() self.createdDate = Date() self.updatedDate = Date() self.title = title self.content = content } }
Aug ’23