Hello Quinn,
Sorry, I switched to another project in the meantime. Back to this one.
Yes indeed, the FileVault is enabled. But I did not get any error during the pairing step.
Are the CTKs loaded at boot time / session login ?
Thank you very much BornP, I will check next week.
To partly answer my question,
we are able to restrict the search to a particular TokenID using SecItemCopyMatching and the query:
// pExtBundleIdentifier = Bundle identifier of the pExt
let tokenDriverConfiguration = TKTokenDriver.Configuration.driverConfigurations[pExtBundleIdentifier]
// tokenID = a String
let tokenConfig = tokenDriverConfiguration?.addTokenConfiguration(for: tokenID)
var query: [String: Any]
query[kSecAttrTokenID as String] = pExtBundleIdentifier + ":" + tokenID
SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, &result)
So in the end, we can list all elements related to a particular persistent extension by listing all keychains items, looking for the ones with kSecAttrTokenID attribute and filter against this attribute.
If you have a more straightforward solution, don't hesitate to post it :-)