I got you that i shouldn't use sudo whilst executing simctl runs, but my question is: why are those simruntimes showed up dup but nothing matches to the simulator?
I'll follow up with the log of xcodebuild with -destinations command result. (It's over 3000 chars no matter how I cut it down to essential parts, so I will make new comment below)
Yes it does.
What I was curious is: why does Xcode 16 RC(I think XC 16 is not far different from that) keep on setting simruntime to default SDK?
This is quite serious for CI platform which should endure over 2~3000 xcodebuild jobs per day with collective Xcode versions ranged from XC 15.0.1 to XC 16.1 beta, with simruntime from iOS 15.4 thru 18.1 beta 4.
You know the device will restart when accepting certificate from iOS 18.
This is erratic behavior because iOS 18 deletes my ADEP certificate after reboot. Perfect.
Same here.
Plus, this issue drives me crazy because the cert disappears after the device reboot. Both on 18 beta 7 and 18.1 beta 3.
My team is struggling for this and I think this issue is closely related to what happened when watchOS 9.1 / tvOS 16.1 released with Xcode 14.1/14.2.
In short, what you should do is:
execute DEVELOPER_DIR='/path/to/xcode.app' xcrun simctl runtime match set 'iphoneos17.0' 21A342 which will set your default simruntime to iOS 17.0.1 simulators downloaded with Xcode 15.0.1.
The culprit is in ~/Library/Caches/com.apple.dt.Xcode/Downloads/*.dvtdownloadableindex.
I filed it right after you added this comment but never cared yet.
You said I gotta stop killing the service after each job, but the behavior reproduced in 100% probability if so.
Why we kill Simservice is because of the error below from the long past.
CoreSimulator is attempting to unload a stale CoreSimulatorService job. Detected Xcode.app relocation or CoreSimulatorService version change.
I already filed a bug report over a month ago and nobody cared yet.
I have another 'definitely suspicious behavior' on Ventura, also filed a report and no answers or feedbacks yet, these things really frustrate me a lot towards Apple.
Thanks for the solution.
If this one persists without new patch from Apple official, I need to find out if I can do this via shell scripts...
Works fine on Big Sur 11.6(20G165)! Thanks a lot, this comment saved my whole week! :D