




Comment on Xcode 15 beta 5 – iOS 17 Simulator runtime not available
My team is struggling for this and I think this issue is closely related to what happened when watchOS 9.1 / tvOS 16.1 released with Xcode 14.1/14.2. In short, what you should do is: execute DEVELOPER_DIR='/path/to/' xcrun simctl runtime match set 'iphoneos17.0' 21A342 which will set your default simruntime to iOS 17.0.1 simulators downloaded with Xcode 15.0.1. The culprit is in ~/Library/Caches/*.dvtdownloadableindex.
Oct ’23
Comment on watchOS 9.1 simulator unavailable despite of existence of runtime I filed it right after you added this comment but never cared yet. You said I gotta stop killing the service after each job, but the behavior reproduced in 100% probability if so. Why we kill Simservice is because of the error below from the long past. CoreSimulator is attempting to unload a stale CoreSimulatorService job. Detected relocation or CoreSimulatorService version change.
Mar ’23