Thanks for the hint! I can confirm that moving a property observer setup from the `willMove(toSuperview:)` to `didMoveToSuperview()` fixed the problem in the Chatto project (#PR648).
If you need to switch between directories faster, then I want to recommend zsh-z plugin – a command-line tool that allows you to jump quickly to directories that you have visited frequently in the past or recently.
As for the problem with $($1), I think it is an artificial problem in general. You already exported your project paths as environment variables (with export dir1="..."), so use them appropriately (e.g., showdir $1). You will get zsh's autocomplete for free for environment variables and can always type showdir $ then press TAB to see all the projects you have.
Also, a small recommendation, do not mess up with PWD within scripts and try to avoid direct cd commands. pushd/popd are better and more flexible.
Yeah. I want to know as well. I see the "Tuesday @ 14:00" section in the Developer application for today's sessions, but it is 14:55 already at my time zone, and videos are unavailable.