Also seeing this since upgrading to Xcode 16.4. Previously, it was working.
It appears that content.js won't be injected into web pages that you have not given permission for. I am noticing that on iOS and macOS I have to go searching for a tiny yellow caution icon when permissions are set to 'Ask'. Selecting this caution icon, an alert-like box pops up asking to give permission for one day or permanently.
I could not find the injected scripts in the debugging tools Sources, until after I gave permission. Then mysteriously, the extension started working again.
Try changing the folder name in the Project Navigator (greyed left area) to "images" (all lowercase). It looks like the first first letter is a capital.
Seeing this also. It is rather annoying, often occurring 2-3 times per day per open simulator.
Still occurring on random occasions in iOS 14.6 in several separate views using code:
struct FilteredListView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var numberState: NumberState
var numbers: FetchedResults<Purging>
private var downloadCompletePublisher = NotificationCenter.default
.publisher(for: .dataDownloadComplete)
.map { notification in
return notification.userInfo as! [DataSources.Source : Int]
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(Array(numbers.enumerated()), id: \.element.uuid) { index, number in
NavigationLink(destination: NumberDetailView(number: number)) {
NumberRowView(number: number)
.add(SearchBar(searchText: $numberState.searchText, "Search for N-numbers"))
.id(numberState.refreshID) // <-- removing this seems to eliminate the issue
.onReceive(downloadCompletePublisher) { userInfo in
checkForUpdatedNumbers(userInfo: userInfo)
init(sorter: NumberSorter) {
... code to execute fetch request into _numbers
obviously, we don't have access to the UITableView data source methods, but I'd like to know how to peek into SwiftUI's execution.
FWIW, this error is also occurring using a Toggle in SwiftUI. The toggle won't move!
Nice suggestion! Thanks for posting.
The template in Xcode 12.2 beta produces a blank white screen on iOS
onDelete animation Video on iCloud -