




SwiftUI structure like Notification app?
I'm a newbie with SwiftUI - I'm building an app that I'd like a somewhat similar View structure as the iOS Notifications app. What set of View controllers does Apple use to make that app? I want a vertical scrolling outer view and inside that scrolling pane - I will have 6 horizontal scrolling panes. Each of the horizontal scrolling panes will have many cards. I'd like the Cards to be stacked - like in Notifications - until the user decides to interact with that stack. Then I'd like the stack to unstack and scroll horizontal. Is there a SwiftUI component set that would do this for me?
Jun ’20
What is the View Structure of Notifications in SwiftUI?
I'm wanting to build a similar look n feel as the Notifications view structure. I like the multi-card stack when a category of items stack to a depth of 3 cards.... I'm new in SwiftUI and wonder if an Apple engineer or some smart person could sketch this view structure and the SwiftUI components out for me. [wish I could include an image - it's worth a 1000 words you know!] For my app I want the top card (an intro card) ... then a vertical scroll list of 6 categaries of multi-card stacks. I want the multi-card stacks to un-stack and scroll horizontally (not vertically as Notifications does). And a last (bottom) category of a single card stack. Graphically: | ___ | | ___ | | | | ___ | | | | ___	| | | | ___	| | | | ___ | | | | ___	| | | | ___ | Well - I make a graphic... all scrolling vertically and then the inner 6 stacks being able to scroll horizontally after a tap to un-stack them. Thanks for the newbie help!
Jun ’20
How to create new (custom) types specific for my app in HealthKit
I'm finding that there are a select few quantity types. How should I go about creating new custom types for use in my App. Let's look at an example. In your documentation HKQuantityTypeIdentifier has 10 types for Lab & Test Results (while it has 39 types for Nutrition). Let's look at a typical Lipid Blood Panel result from a typical blood test. I'd like to create data types for: Cholesterol 208 MG/DL Triglycerides 112 MG/DL HDL Cholesterol 52 MG/DL Calc LDL Cholesterol 134 MG/DL And also recoded the typical Risk Ratio of Cholesterol (LDL/HDL) in this specific lab result (134/52 = 2.58). How would I create these HKQuantitySample subclasses? the docs say: Extend Quantity Samples Like many HealthKit classes, you should not subclass the HKQuantitySample class. You may extend this class by adding metadata with custom keys to save related data used by your app.  For more information, see init(type:quantity:start:end:metadata:). Yet looking at that init doc - I don't see any info on creating new types and therefor new sample types.
Jul ’20
After adding CareKit with SPM getting link errors
I've added the CareKit using Swift Package Manager - now my template app "Hello, World" gets a link error (below). Error: Swift package target 'CareKitStore' is linked as a static library by 'CareKitExample' and 'CareKit'. This will result in duplication of library code. What is the magic incantation for including CareKit, CareKitUI in a simple Hello World SwiftUI App? Xcode 12 beta.
Jul ’20
Icon on left of Text in Label inside of Menu
Inside an iOS Menu the icons display to the far right of the Text. Which is different than a Label outside of a Menu(). I'm wondering why - and why I cannot change that with a custom LabelStyle? struct IconFirstLabelStyle: LabelStyle {     func makeBody(configuration: Configuration) -> some View {         HStack {             configuration.icon             configuration.title         }     } } That custom style does not work in iOS15. Is there another way to create the effect in the Menu that is displayed in the Human Interface Guidelines: Icons on the left - text follows.
May ’22
Plotting a Stock Chart with ScaleType <missing> WeekDay
I'm wondering if Apple will add a weekDay type ScaleType for plotting stock market charts. The Date scaleType assumes that the weekend days (Saturday/Sunday) should be within the plotted data. But the typical stock market chart omits the weekends and holidays (non-market days) from the charts. Would Apple be interested in providing this new Chart Scaling Type. Or is there a way to extend the Charts Framework to allow this type of chart? For Example: the X Axis might look like: M T W T F M T W T F T W T F
Jul ’22
Ask an Expert: Does TabularData do much of Python's Pandas Framework
I'm looking for a way to easily (or more easy than rewriting a time series data framework) deal with stock market data. I apparently need to preprocess much of the data I could get from typical APIs (, to remove the weekend days from the datasets. Problem: When using the awesome NEW Charts framework to plot prices by daily close price - I get weekends and holidays in my charts. No "real" stock charting tool does this. They some how remove the non-market days from their charts. How? Researching I found the Python Pandas library for TimeSeries data... Can Apple's TabularData do this TimeSeries data manipulation for me? Can to share an example? Thanks! David
Aug ’22
Xcode 14 beta 6 Indexing | Processing files forever - hangs So does Compiles.
This appears to be a common issue with little to zero known resolutions over the years.... Appears to happen with previous versions of Xcode. Does Apple or the community have a fix? I've checked out the sources in a new location from my github - Same/similar issue. I've started a completely new project from scratch and then dragged my source into it... same/similar issue. I've killed the swift-frontend process & closed reopened Xcode. I've cleaned the build folder / delete DerivedData & restarted the computer... same/similar issue. Any ideas?
Aug ’22
Requesting visual style in an implementation that has disabled it
I'm running iOS17 App and getting this message in the Xcode 15 console. Five times every time I goto one of the pages in my NavigationStack. Google's search engine has never heard of this. "Requesting visual style in an implementation that has disabled it, returning nil. Behavior of caller is undefined." Anyone got a clue of what I've disabled - without being aware of it. And what code is going to pick up a butcher knife and stab me at 3:47am - very undefined behavior! Is it just me or is this message missing some important detail? Thanks David.
Oct ’23