




How can the AppStoreConnect API be used to download certificates to sign passes?
I am sure I am missing a pretty elementary step - but - I'm at a loss. I can build a certificate using KeyChain Access, upload the CSR, download the Certificate from the developer portal website and sign Apple Wallet Passes all day long. No Problem. So I thought I'd try to automate some processes with the AppStoreConnectAPI. I want to download the certificate from the app store and use it to sigh passes instead of file on the disk. So I find the right certificate from the API, and one of the token in there is a big byte stream called "certificateContent"... which I assumed would be the same binary data as what I uploaded (and whats on disc). But it doesn't work - it "fails to sign". I must be missing some step that is preventing me from being able to use that key. I have a feeling the a key or something is missing from the certificate I download from Apple's API. Any ideas?
Aug ’23
How to create PASS_TYPE_ID Certificates?
So creating a IOS-DEVELOPMENT certificate is pretty straight forward... and I suspect some of the other types as well ... but when I try to create a PASS_TYPE_ID certificate it fails with some response messages... "STATUS" : "404" "code" : "NOT_FOUND" "title" : "The specified resource does not exist" "detail" : "There is no identifier with ID 'null' on this team" So it would appear it's expecting more attributes to be set in the payload that are specific to creating that type of certificate. Which of course makes sense. There has to be a way of assigning it to a Pass Type ID that you have created. (It would be nice if the API could at least list existing Pass IDs, or even create them - but I've not seen how yet). But for the life of me I can't find or figure out the syntax for this. Anyone have any luck?
Aug ’23