I think I have a similar problem.
Since Xcode 12.1, my widgets won't display Arcs anymore (Shape, Path, addArc), while e.g. Shapes like Rect still work. I also didn't find anything related to that in release/change notes of Xcode.
So I'm just wondering if this is a bug, or if Apple just put more constraints on Widgets, without mentioning them?! Anyway, this really sux, as my widgets heavily rely on displaying those arcs. :-(
struct Arc: Shape {
func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
var path = Path()
path.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: 50, y: 50), radius: 25, startAngle: Angle.degrees(0), endAngle: Angle.degrees(90), clockwise: true)
return path
I'm a bit confused about this, to be honest. As I just started using the Betas since 3 or 4, for me it looks like it never actually was there. But now as of Beta 5 it kinda automatically applies this effect to widgets (during loading)?!
Same here.
Hackaround: Add the files you need in your tests to the Target Membership of the test target.