




Reply to Cannot get email & name while scopes requested on real device
While I understand the use case where a user is signing in for the first time and we request the user's information the scopes, it's returned fine. However, like others who have run into the issue of losing the user's information, what is the practice for retrieving it again? There doesn't seem to be a way to recover user's information after their first authentication, other than provisioning a new device or some other hack. Please advise.
May ’20
Reply to CloudKit - distanceToLocation:fromLocation
I'm also running into issues with CLLocation and the distance predicate. I get this: Cloud Query Error - Fetch Locations: &lt;CKError 0x60000153a490: "Invalid Arguments" (12/1009); "Field 'location' has a value type of BYTES and cannot be queried using filter type NEAR"&gt;   static func fetchNearbyLocations(_ location: CLLocation, radiusInMeters: CLLocationDistance, onComplete: @escaping (_ records:[CKRecord]?) -> Void) {         // convert radius in meters to kilometers         let radiusInKilometers = radiusInMeters / 1000.0         //set up predicate for query         let locationPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "distanceToLocation:fromLocation:(location, %@) < %@", location, NSNumber(value: radiusInKilometers))         //set up query based on predicate         let query = CKQuery(recordType: "Location", predicate: locationPredicate)         //Execute query         CKContainer(identifier: CloudKitHelper.containerId).publicCloudDatabase.perform(query, inZoneWith: nil) { (records, error) in             if let error = error {                 DispatchQueue.main.async {                     print("Cloud Query Error - Fetch Locations: \(error)")                 }             } else {                 onComplete(records)             }         }     } The location attribute in the entity is type Transformable with Custom Class CLLocation. What am I missing here? Thanks in advance.
Jun ’20
Reply to Sign In With Apple not working with Xcode 12 beta on simulator ?
I hate to speculate, but this was working with iOS 14, just before WWDC2020. Then they announced a security vulnerability that was discovered with sign-in with Apple and the keychain, and immediately following that announcement, the simulator Sign-In with Apple would just hang with an infinite spinner. Others have reported that the TFA is the culprit, so perhaps there is something to that and the backdoor that they discovered. Let's hope they figure out a way to patch it up. Edit: Please upvote this...
Dec ’20
Reply to iOS 15 beta 4 CloudKit Auth Error
More info added to the issue. I added a do catch around modify subscription method, and see the error returned by CloudKit: "User rejected a prompt to enter their iCloud account password" Obviously, I'm not seeing any prompts. Error is: `do {             _ = try await database.modifySubscriptions(saving: [subscription], deleting:nil             self.setSubscriptionState(recordType: recordType)         } catch(let error) {             logger.debug("(error.localizedDescription)")         } `
Jul ’21