It seems that the WWDC20 Ray Tracing examples need a Intel Skylake GPU or above, the Skylake was included in MacBooks released in Early 2016. But the Ray Tracing examples do not seem to work with the Intel Xeon W in the iMac Pro and also the new Mac Pro 2019? The Mac Pro is Apple's most powerful machine, surely the Intel Xeon W should have enough power to run the Ray Tracing examples?
When I try to run the sample below I get the error "Ray tracing isn't supported on this device".
Accelerating Ray Tracing Using Metal -
Using the new SceneKit SceneView in SwiftUI how do I turn on the SceneKit debug parameters? The current options parameter only takes a limited number of Options?
struct ContentView : View {
@State var theScene = SCNScene(named: "ship.scn")!
@State private var pointOfView = "distantCamera"
public var body: some View {
ZStack {
scene: theScene,
pointOfView: theScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: pointOfView, recursively: true),
options: [ .allowsCameraControl, SCNDebugOptions.showBoundingBoxes ] 	- [ERROR]
Button(action: {
// Can I turn on debug for SceneView here?
// show SCNView statistics such as fps and timing information
scnView.showsStatistics = true - [ERROR]
scnView.debugOptions = [.renderAsWireframe, .showBoundingBoxes] - [ERROR]
}) {
Text("Debug").padding(.top, 300)
The new RealityKit 2 ECS enhancements from #WWDC21 are awesome but to learn them I need a simple example!
Could someone please post a simple RealityKit 2 ECS example that rotates a simple cube using a Rotate Component?
If the Rotate Component is added then the cube should rotate.
If the Rotate Component is removed then the cube should stop rotating.