The new RealityKit 2 ECS enhancements from #WWDC21 are awesome but to learn them I need a simple example!
Could someone please post a simple RealityKit 2 ECS example that rotates a simple cube using a Rotate Component?
If the Rotate Component is added then the cube should rotate.
If the Rotate Component is removed then the cube should stop rotating.
Using the new SceneKit SceneView in SwiftUI how do I turn on the SceneKit debug parameters? The current options parameter only takes a limited number of Options?
struct ContentView : View {
@State var theScene = SCNScene(named: "ship.scn")!
@State private var pointOfView = "distantCamera"
public var body: some View {
ZStack {
scene: theScene,
pointOfView: theScene.rootNode.childNode(withName: pointOfView, recursively: true),
options: [ .allowsCameraControl, SCNDebugOptions.showBoundingBoxes ] 	- [ERROR]
Button(action: {
// Can I turn on debug for SceneView here?
// show SCNView statistics such as fps and timing information
scnView.showsStatistics = true - [ERROR]
scnView.debugOptions = [.renderAsWireframe, .showBoundingBoxes] - [ERROR]
}) {
Text("Debug").padding(.top, 300)
It seems that the WWDC20 Ray Tracing examples need a Intel Skylake GPU or above, the Skylake was included in MacBooks released in Early 2016. But the Ray Tracing examples do not seem to work with the Intel Xeon W in the iMac Pro and also the new Mac Pro 2019? The Mac Pro is Apple's most powerful machine, surely the Intel Xeon W should have enough power to run the Ray Tracing examples?
When I try to run the sample below I get the error "Ray tracing isn't supported on this device".
Accelerating Ray Tracing Using Metal -