hello guys
as u know, full immersive boundary range is 3m * 3m, for safe the users.
but i need the full immersive space by more extended range.
bcuz i got the quite large area and to play more fun.
is the any problem?
thank you!
link -> double tap gesture deprecated in visionOS2.0. use only watchOS. right..?
so how can i make a double tap gesture in visionOS??
I want a sentence custom hover effect, not a button.
I want a hover effect when you look at one sentence out of many sentences.
So I searched for reference videos https://youtu.be/DftRTx1oX6E , https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2023/10110/ on apple youtube and visionOS documentation.
But I haven't gotten anywhere near my wish feature yet.
I respectfully request someone to help me. :)