For a group container, you have to supply the full file path, along with the bundle name.
For example
$ defaults read /Users/<name>/Library/Group\ Containers/<groupID><appname>/Library/Preferences/<groupID><appname>.plist
@Elia314 Did you get this working? Feel free to shoot me an email at "sij" + "itsma" at gmail. I worked through all this and got it working.
I notice that Google Drive uses NSFileProviderCustomAction in some of their helper scripts, and wondering if this is another way to add contextual menus to files/folders in the Finder? Their contextual menus don't seem to be affected like Dropbox's do, which uses FinderSync.
I can't find any examples of how to use the NSFileProviderCustomAction approach. Is this a red herring, or is it another way to add contextual menus in the Finder? Any sample code to use to get started?