I have this working on a test server now. See my notes here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58178187/apple-sign-in-how-to-use-it-for-custom-server-endpoint-authentication/62604213#62604213
It would still be nice to have some Apple docs reflecting this. Feels like I'm kinda operating in the blind.
I'm assuming this is still life-as-we-know it-- that accessing live photos from sharing extensions doesn't work? See also https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65470983/getting-a-live-image-phlivephoto-when-in-a-sharing-extension-using-the-photos
Thanks, @randomguy. What about the the details of how that endpoint operates? E.g., is it a POST or a GET? Parameters?
Just adding my agreement -- please provide documentation for server-to-server notifications. Thank you.
I'm using SwiftJWT https://github.com/IBM-Swift/Swift-JWT.git and it provides a method:
let jwtDecoder = JWTDecoder(keyIDToVerifier: getVerifier)
which you pass a kid and it returns a verifier.
private func getVerifier(using kid: String) -> JWTVerifier? {
guard let publicKeyPEM = toPEM(kid: kid) else {
return nil
guard let publicKeyData = publicKeyPEM.data(using: .utf8) else {
return nil
return JWTVerifier.rs256(publicKey: publicKeyData)
toPEM(kid: kid) is just my method to lookup a key given a specific kid string.