




Device orientation / motion permission activation
We have a web-based viewer which makes use of device orientation. The permission box only appears on a “touch” and not on a swipe or pinch. Is this normal? We’ve already tried different listeners: start, end etc but it’s still only initiated the permission request upon a physical touch / tap on screen. Any ideas / suggestions would be gratefully received. Many thanks in advance.
Oct ’24
Glb files failing to load texture
I have a glb model that is loading absolutely fine, repeatedly, in safari or chrome. There is only one texture that is 8192x8192 it never has a problem when loading in browser. when we embed the url into an app, the model loads the first few times (exiting the model and going back to the main menu and then reloading the model) but, after a few attempts, the texture fails to load. The model and all data is visible but the texture, itself, is black. why could this be happening? Is there something in the iOS code that is breaking it? Is the iOS code trying to automatically cache the texture and it’s running out of memory? anyone who can provide the help and support that we require will be much appreciated. thank you advance.
Apr ’24
geolocation represented on 3d model
Hi Developers. I need to try to embed GeoData into a USDZ model and then have the capabilities to "explore" the model while walking around in the real world. e.g. load and display a 3D model of Time Square and show a location pin which displays a users' virtual position on the model... when the user walks 10 meters north, in the real world, the location pin must move 10m (to scale) on the displayed model. As a new developer, I'm starting from scratch so would benefit greatly from having my hand held - please don't be afraid of patronizing me. Step 1 - load and display the 3D model Step 2 - geolocate the user Step 3 - translate the user's current position into a position on the 3D model and represent their "position" on the model with a traditional GPS location marker "pin". Step 4 - move the user's GPS pin on the mode, relative to (and reflecting) their actual real world movement. Is this acheivable or have I explained things to ambiguously? I look forward to hearing from my savior(s) as soon as convenient. Thank you in advance
Feb ’24
Geolocation, customising permission request box
Hi team - apologies if this is a simple question / answer but I haven't found any solution elsewhere yet. How customisable is the Geolocation permission box - i.e. the box that pops up asking user to allow us to use Geolocation? What text is specifically required to be stated and how much additional text is allowed on top of any compulsory script? Looking forward to hearing from anyone who can shed any light on this. Regards, Chris
May ’23