




"account not in this store" error when testing inApp purchase
I've already done my test on development signed app locally, all in-app purchase runs well with sandbox tester Apple ID. Errors happens when make a purchase in distribution app from TestFlight. Detail Info: in Apple Store connect , make app available to China Electron project, packaging by electron builder using distribution sign upload to TestFlight, invite myself to test using my Apple ID(not the sandbox tester) to login and purchase dialog appears and said "Account not in this store" VPN is off Apple Store shows Chinese language and Chinese apps, not llikely to be u.s. store I'm suspecting that: Maybe shouldn't use my developer Apple ID to run TestFlight test? TestFlight locked app to be in u.s. store ?
Jul ’24
Electron failed to setup iap sandbox environment
Hi there, I'm implementing in app purchase in Electron following docs here: But : getProducts returns [] calls to purchaseProduct, nothing happend(no dialog, no login) calls to restoreCompletedTransactions , a login dialog appears, and I can login my sandbox tester account. The account even appears int the Apple Store. More info list as follow. Packaging using electron builder, configuration is : "masDev": { "type":"development", "identity": "York Chan", "hardenedRuntime": false, "gatekeeperAssess": false, "entitlements": "./build/entitlements.mas.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "./build/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist", "provisioningProfile": './build/provisionloginsight.provisionprofile', //development的描述文件,确保系统描述文件里已经安装好 }, "mas": { "type": "distribution", "identity": "York Chan", "hardenedRuntime": false, "entitlements": "./build/entitlements.mas.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "./build/entitlements.mas.inherit.plist", "entitlementsLoginHelper": "./build/entitlements.mas.loginhelper.plist", //如果需要testflight则该项必须 "provisioningProfile": './build/provisionloginsightappstore.provisionprofile', //distribution描述文件 }, "mac": { "artifactName": "${productName}_${version}.${ext}", "identity":null, "type": "development", //mas - distribution; mas-dev - development, "icon": "./icons/icon512.icns", "target": [ { "target": "mas-dev",//mas "arch": [ "universal" ], } ], "extendInfo":{ } }, I wrap StoreKit API into 'Platform' class, and call from render process to main process using ipcRender.invoke If I create a Xcode project, and set bundler identifier to the same one, configure the storekit in schema, I can successfully 'purchase', and seeing [Enviroment: Xcode]. Someone can help me please ?
Jul ’24