




Unable to connect Xcode 15 to iPhone (Error: developer disk image could not be mounted)
I am suddenly unable to connect to my iPhone (running iOS 17.0) in Xcode (either 15 or the last 15 beta). I get this error: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device.. Error mounting image: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.) I am able to see the disk image iOS_DDI.dmg in the Finder by opening /Users/cmonsour/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/ I have restarted both computer and iPhone, re-enabled Developer Mode, cleared Derived Data. I am not running a VPN. I am running the latest Xcode. I upgraded from Ventura to Sonoma with no improvement. Any help appreciated. Unable to run anything from Xcode on my iPhone now, which is quite frustrating. Details are as follows: The developer disk image could not be mounted on this device. Domain: Code: 12040 Failure Reason: Error mounting image: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.) User Info: { DDIPath = "/Users/cmonsour/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/iOS_DDI.dmg"; DVTErrorCreationDateKey = "2023-10-01 18:33:29 +0000"; DeviceIdentifier = "A4E1792C-1396-4BAF-A1E1-73C19F9FB8A4"; IDERunOperationFailingWorker = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker; NSURL = "file:///Users/cmonsour/Library/Developer/DeveloperDiskImages/iOS_DDI.dmg"; Options = { MountedBundlePath = "file:///private/var/tmp/CoreDevice_DDI_Staging_501/A4E1792C-1396-4BAF-A1E1-73C19F9FB8A4/"; UseCredentials = 0; }; "" = enablePersonalizedDDI; } -- Error mounting image: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.) Domain: Code: -402652907 User Info: { FunctionName = AMDeviceRemoteMountPersonalizedBundle; LineNumber = 2108; } -- Failed to initialize remote device attributes: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.) Domain: Code: -402652907 User Info: { FunctionName = "-[PersonalizedImage mountImage:]"; LineNumber = 1772; } -- Failed to retrieve personalization identifiers: 0xe8000115 (kAMDMobileImageMounterDevicePropertyQueryFailure: Failed to query device property.) Domain: Code: -402652907 User Info: { FunctionName = "-[PersonalizedImage initializeRemoteDeviceAttributes:]"; LineNumber = 1367; } -- Event Metadata: : { "device_isCoreDevice" = 1; "device_model" = "iPhone14,5"; "device_osBuild" = "17.1 (21B5045h)"; "device_platform" = ""; "dvt_coredevice_version" = "348.1"; "dvt_mobiledevice_version" = "1643.2.4"; "launchSession_schemeCommand" = Run; "launchSession_state" = 1; "launchSession_targetArch" = arm64; "operation_duration_ms" = 173097; "operation_errorCode" = "-402652907"; "operation_errorDomain" = ""; "operation_errorWorker" = IDEInstallCoreDeviceWorker; "operation_name" = IDERunOperationWorkerGroup; "param_debugger_attachToExtensions" = 0; "param_debugger_attachToXPC" = 1; "param_debugger_type" = 3; "param_destination_isProxy" = 0; "param_destination_platform" = ""; "param_diag_MainThreadChecker_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableDuringAttach" = 0; "param_diag_MallocStackLogging_enableForXPC" = 1; "param_diag_allowLocationSimulation" = 1; "param_diag_checker_tpc_enable" = 1; "param_diag_gpu_frameCapture_enable" = 0; "param_diag_gpu_shaderValidation_enable" = 0; "param_diag_gpu_validation_enable" = 0; "param_diag_memoryGraphOnResourceException" = 0; "param_diag_queueDebugging_enable" = 1; "param_diag_runtimeProfile_generate" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_asan_enable" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_enable" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_tsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_sanitizer_ubsan_stopOnIssue" = 0; "param_diag_showNonLocalizedStrings" = 0; "param_diag_viewDebugging_enabled" = 1; "param_diag_viewDebugging_insertDylibOnLaunch" = 1; "param_install_style" = 0; "param_launcher_UID" = 2; "param_launcher_allowDeviceSensorReplayData" = 0; "param_launcher_kind" = 0; "param_launcher_style" = 99; "param_launcher_substyle" = 8192; "param_runnable_appExtensionHostRunMode" = 0; "param_runnable_productType" = ""; "param_structuredConsoleMode" = 1; "param_testing_launchedForTesting" = 0; "param_testing_suppressSimulatorApp" = 0; "param_testing_usingCLI" = 0; "sdk_canonicalName" = "iphoneos17.0"; "sdk_osVersion" = "17.0"; "sdk_variant" = iphoneos; } -- System Information macOS Version 14.0 (Build 23A344) Xcode 15.0 (22265) (Build 15A240d) Timestamp: 2023-10-01T14:33:29-04:00
Oct ’23
Problem decoding AttributedString containing emoji
I am trying to encode an AttributedString to JSON and then decode it back to an AttributedString. But when the AttributedString both (1) contains emoji, and (2) has any attributes assigned, the decoding seems to fail, producing a truncated AttributedString. By dump-ing the decoded value, I can see that the full string is still in there (in the guts property) but it is missing in normal uses of the AttributedString. Below is an example that reproduces the problem. import Foundation // An arbitrary AttributedString with emoji var attrString = AttributedString("12345💕☺️💕☺️💕☺️12345") // Set an attribute (doesn't seem to matter which one) attrString.imageURL = URL(string: "")! // Encode the AttributedString var encoder = JSONEncoder() encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted let data = try! encoder.encode(attrString) // Print the encoded JSON print("encoded JSON for AttributedString:") print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!) // Output from above omitted, but it looks correct with the full string represented // Decode the AttributedString and print it let decoder = JSONDecoder() let decodedAttrString = try! decoder.decode(AttributedString.self, from: data) print("decoded AttributedString:") print(decodedAttrString) // Output from above is a truncated AttributedString: // // 12345💕☺️ { // NSImageURL = // } print("dump of AttributedString:") dump(decodedAttrString) // Interestingly, `dump` shows that the full string is still in there: // // ▿ 12345💕☺️ { // NSImageURL = // } // ▿ _guts: Foundation.AttributedString.Guts #0 // - string: "12345💕☺️💕☺️💕☺️12345" // ▿ runs: 1 element // ... //
Apr ’22
Service Unavailable Error on all CloudKit queries, HTTP 503, CloudKit error code 6
I suddenly started getting a CloudKit errors on all record queries. The CKError.Code is 6 = "Service Unavailable." The errorUserInfo dictionary on the error is: ["CKErrorShouldThrottleClient": 1, "RequestUUID": B59F1738-B330-4F27-A2AE-3C95572BC9F4, "NSLocalizedDescription": Request failed with http status code 503, "CKRetryAfter": 30, "CKErrorDescription": Request failed with http status code 503, "NSDebugDescription": CKInternalErrorDomain: 2022, "NSUnderlyingError": <CKError 0x60000040c060: "Service Unavailable" (2022); "Request failed with http status code 503"; uuid = B59F1738-B330-4F27-A2AE-3C95572BC9F4; Retry after 30.0 seconds>] Notably, about 95% of the time in the CloudKit console for this container, I also get a message "Internal Error" when querying records. About 5% of the time I am able to see a few records in the CloudKit console. I have tried deleting and recreating the CloudKit entitlement. I have tried creating a new CloudKit container. Neither of these helped. A simplified version of the code that executes the query is as below. I am using the new async CloudKit interface, but I get the same error using  privateDB.fetch(withQuery: query) with a completion handler. let privateDB = CKContainer.default().privateCloudDatabase let recordZoneID = CKRecordZone.default() let predicate = NSPredicate(format: "uuid = %@", uuid.uuidString) let query = CKQuery(recordType: "Resource", predicate: predicate) Task { do { let (recordResults, cursor) = try await privateDB.records(matching: query, inZoneWith: nil, desiredKeys: ["uuid", "resourceData"], resultsLimit: 5) guard let (recordID, result) = recordResults.first else { fatalError() } switch result { case .failure(let error): fatalError(error.localizedDescription) case .success(let record): guard let resourceAsset = record["resourceData"] as? CKAsset, let resourceURL = resourceAsset.fileURL, let resourceData = try? Data(contentsOf: resourceURL) else { fatalError() } completion(resourceData) } } catch let ckError as CKError { print(ckError.errorUserInfo) } catch { fatalError(error.localizedDescription) } } This application was previously working and I can't pinpoint anything specific I did to break it. Any ideas?
Nov ’21