




Comment on How to get the return of XCTest validation?
Hi kwridan! Thank you very much for spending you time with me and my doubt! =) It has already helped me to move few steps forward! However, I realized that I could use such approach only if I run my tests directly in Xcode. Is it right? I would like to test cases in my App/separated view and keep using such information shared by you. Is It possible? How could I call my test cases out of my Test target and still getting observer and XCTIssue data from each test executed? I do appreciate you help since now. Really helpful! Thx!
Jun ’21
Comment on iOS wifi link speed
Hi Eskimo! =) Even today, the answer still the same about get some WIFI connection like dBm, speed in swift? I need to get such information to our MEO app (Portuguese telecom company) to help Meo workers to check inside customers' home where the signal is good or not, and advice about where to install a extender to improve their wi-fi signal. But it has been complicated to understand these boundaries in swift. =/ Thx Quinn!
Jun ’21
Comment on iOS 14 NEHotspotNetwork fetchCurrent method completion block not called
Hi Matt! Thank you for sharing such code! It helped me a lot to understand a little bit more how to use signalStrength property. However, even I compiling and running the same code below, without errors, the signalStrength is always 0 (zero) to me! I didn't get why yet. And I didn't find any documentation or discussion related this situation. Would you know what can make it happens? =/ I tough about the NEHotspotHelper entitlement from Apple, but I have no idea if it is true or if it makes sense (the relation between this entitlement and zero value above). Thank you in advance! Clóvis Magenta da Cunha.
Jun ’21