My iOS app is able to Airplay successfully to my AppleTV and to my Samsung television, but when I try to cast to the Roku I just get a text info screen that says: "Network: Ethernet / Choose this device: Roku Ultra. Make sure your Mac or iOS device is connected to the same Wi-Fi network as this device. For more information..."
I'm able to Airplay to the Roku from other apps on the same phone, just not my app. My app works fine to other destinations, so it doesn't seem like an API implementation issue. Maybe a media format problem? Help!
Hi, I'm not getting any info on how to request the next page of results - we have nearly 2000 in-app purchasables, but I can only get the first 200:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" "$ID/inAppPurchases?limit=200" | jq .
"links": {
"self": "$ID/inAppPurchases?limit=200"
"meta": {
"paging": {
"total": 200,
"limit": 200