Thank you. We were asked because our HW devices have code to limit it to IGMP v2. Our customer's network has an issue due to a bug on their CISCO router for which there is no fix yet.
I get the same crash and stacktrace calling the following but only on 15.1.x. 15.0 and 15..2x and above do not crash. Hopefully this was an iOS bug that got fixed.
AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().requestRecordPermission({(granted: Bool)-> Void in
I am having the same problem. I was able to build the app in the latest Xcode 11, then open the project in Xcode 12 and build and install on the iPhone XS with iOS 14, but not a fresh build (clean build folder and build from scratch on Xcode 12). Same error and same code.
Xcode 12.0 Beta 3 (12A8169g)
macOS 10.15.6