




App Store Analytics API returns segments but not media links
I have been sending requests to the Appstore Connect API for 3 types of reports; download data, discovery data, and install data. The documentation notes that data is available as far back as Jan 1, 2024. I have found this to be true with install data reports. But the other two go back only about 5 weeks. The process of getting these reports involves two HTTP requests, one to get segment instances with the report ID and one to get media links with the segment IDs. I am using the 'granularity' and 'WEEKLY' param but I get the same results with other options. I don't think it's an error with my code because I'm receiving data for earlier dates but not dates before 5 weeks ago. I need some ideas to move forward because I need to backfill the data to at least April, 2024.
Sep ’24