




Apple Review rejecting my app
Hello everyone! I am having troubles launching my application as Apple keep rejecting it based on Objectifiable Content 1.1.1. My app allows users post events and add car plates to the event and even a photo, to announce that one car has been hit in the parking lot or it's been towed or any other useful usecase that one might one to be aware of about his vehicles. Apple reviewd my app and gave me multiple indications, not to show car plates in the UI, and not even in the pictures. In order to be complient with the GDPR, and any other safety & privacy concerns, I have censored all plates in UI, I have added a functionality that car plates (and faces) are blured in the photos, so basically everything is anonnymised and secured. After this, I was hoping that Apple will approve my app, but here's the unexpected: I still get rejected for 1.1.1 as "posting and collecting plate number information can be defamatory and mean-spirited". Even if I tried to explain them multiple times, I get "robot" responses such as "As I understand your position, we still find your app not complient with 1.1.1" etc. and to review my "app concept" so basically what they are saying is that the only problem remaining with my app si app. I am really frustrated because on Android the app is already launched and I cannot believe that I am being stuck with it on iOS :( Please help me understand better what can I do. I asked them a last question, If I would implement something like : Admin approval required on each user post, so moderators will need to manually approve posts, so then I will have full annonymisation + full control on what posts are going to reach the news feed, but I got a response like " We cannot review features or concepts" .....
Nov ’24