Hello, we have just noticed similar crash on macos 14.7.1.
I've submitted logs and crash report under FB15994359.
Hello, I have encountered the same problem you have described. I can fairly easily reproduce it on a MacBook running M1 Pro chip, but we are having difficulties reproducing it on intel Macs. I am therefore thinking it might have something to do with additional security checks Macs on arm might do.
System restart usually fixes this issue. Killing the extension and/or client which tries to connect to it does not help.
the issue seems to be fixed in beta 4 :)
Yes, that is exactly what is happening. I will submit a bug.
some additional information: running systemextensionctl list shows the extension in "Activated disabled" state
meanwhile, is there any method (in swift/obj-c) to get the actual system extension status?
This could help as well. Found this error while poking around in debug. The connection to service on pid 0 named {team identifier is here}.com.example.apple-samplecode.SimpleFirewall.SimpleFirewallExtension was invalidated.edit:running systemextensionsctl listshows no systemextension running.